Right Start professionals are seasoned veterans from blue-chip companies, consulting firms, and government organizations, with experience spanning a broad number of industries. Our team members are gleaned from top-tier MBA schools and graduate schools, including Harvard Business School, the Kellogg School of Management, and M.I.T. Our professionals combine consulting and operational experience to bring our clients pragmatic, actionable solutions that generate results.
Embedded Professionals
In the game. Our consultants do not give advice from the sidelines; we roll up our sleeves as on-the-ground advisers, interim leaders and/or managers within our client organizations. Right Start professionals drive lasting change as members of a single team, on the front lines, alongside our clients every step of the way.
Results-focused. Our professionals are expected to drive execution and deliver results at our client organizations, and are held accountable to investors, boards of directors, and shareholders. Our success is defined by our client’s success. Our people are measured on the value they create for our clients’ customers, employees and stakeholders.
Multi-industry. Our teams are headed by industry veterans specific to each client’s needs. Relevant team experience allows us to hit the ground running and produce actionable strategies quickly. Our team members have extensive experience and knowledge concerning organizational development, strategy design & implementation, mergers & acquisitions, project financing, turnarounds, fundraising, and exit support.